Business Agendas

Modern business applications for managing various agendas, approving and recording your requests


Management and registration of corporate agendas where documentation is kept in document sets (attachments, mutations, etc.), with the possibility of running workflows (comments and approvals).

Contract management 

An application that makes it easier for companies to deal with the management and processing of the contractual agenda.

Supplier approval

Application designed for registration and approval of suppliers with control mechanisms and connection to national registers.

Document management

Business agendas

Create document sets in a simple way, governed by sets of rules and procedures.

Get an application to manage the processes of design, creation, approval, publication, registration and access to retirement. The application will offer you sets of expected and interesting functionalities that will make the work easier for both active participants in the process and ordinary users.  The modularity of the application allows you to adapt it to your requirements and possibilities.

Easily create modules according to the desired agenda such as requirements management or document agendas. Equip modules with required approval processes, controlled permissions or attach enterprise forms and attachments.

Get a modular solution to manage and record different types of requirements and document agendas with M365 integration. A solution that provides a pathway for you to connect on-premises and cloud environments.

Modern enterprise EM applications simplify your work when creating various agendas, or help you with filing and approval requirements, or offer quick relevant results when searching for specific information.

Presentation of selected solutions

Modules for
Intranet clasic

Applications for contract
management and registration

BASe - Space for your workflow